Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

D' joe mango quotes

this is D'joe mango quotes

1. Always remember that when we lose someone we love, there will be pain in our hearts. But when there is pain, there will be strength and courage, and with that, there will always be the hope of finding someone who will love us and someone we can love even more.

2. Sometimes we just have to control our feelings for someone. Truth is, our feelings doesn’t know what’s right or wrong. That’s why our minds reason with us so there can be balance. Otherwise, we would always trip as we aimlessly follow what our hearts dictate.

3. A relationship will always need trust and faith. Trust, so you could keep a relationship strong, and faith, so you can build a strong foundation of love that could weather all storms to make it last for as long as you wish to.

4. A relationship is a two way street. It’s never all your fault, nor is it all the fault of your partner. Both of you have to work together to make it work. And, remember, the best relationship is one in which your LOVE exceeds your NEEDS for reach other.

5. Letting go of someone you love is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn’t even feel the same is much harder. Remember that giving up doesn’t mean you are weak. It only means that you are strong eonugh to let go of something that was never really yours in the first place.

6. Live not on what your heart dictates but on what is right and sensible. There is still time to turn away from what is wrong. Remember, the true joy of living is not only in loving ourselves but in loving without hurting other people.

7. Even with all the pain that comes with loving, we should never let our hearts wallow in anger. When love comes into our lives, be thankful. But when it leaves us, even if it’s against our will, we should only be sorry or a while. There should be no room for our hatred to grow in our hearts.

8. As it has always been said, we should embrace love when it comes knocking on our doors and willingly let go of it when it says goodbye. We shouldn’t regret that we’ve lost it. Be thankful that for once in our lives it has dwelled in our hearts and made us happy.

9. If we pass on love today, there may never be a next day to show it and even if there’s still a next day, there may never be someone to show it to. Love is never afraid. It should not hold you from showing someone how you feel. If it does, then it is not love.

10. Loving someone with all our hearts isn’t all that it takes to make a relationship last. Sometimes, even if we prove our worth in many ways, seen and unseen, we still cannot guarantee of permanence and loyalty in our relationships

What is LOVE all about? is it all about being with the perosn who makes us happy? 

or is it being happy for the one we love? There comes a time in our life when 

we feel lost because our hearts cry for someone other than the one we are with. 

We are confused because we realized that there is someone else who could 

makes us happier, we want to be with that person but we already belong to 

another.  How can a love so true be wrong? why do we have to meet the right 

person at a time when we are already committed to someone else.  It takes a 

lot of faith to understand why God allows someone else to come in our life and 

turn our world arround.  We are left with simple yet difficult choices, to stay or 

to follow our heart.  When we stay we become misserable because our heart 

yearns for the other person but if we follow our heart we can only find 

happiness at the expense of someone elses missery and that cannot make us 

truely happy.  Let us always remember that sometimes the only way to proved 

our love for a person is to let her go.  Sometimes, the only way to be at peace 

with our self is to teach our heart to say goodbye.  The true essence of love is 

in being happy for others even if it means we are not going to be part of that 

happiness, because true love gives without asking for anything in return.  Love 

always believes and it is in loves faith that we are able to live each day with 

hope that know matter how difficult life may be, God will always gives us the 

strenght to surpass it.  No matter how sad and misserable we are, there still a 

reason to be happy because God will always have a better plan for us.  He puts 

as to detest not to make us bitter but better person.  There is always a time for 

everything.  Moments of sorrow and loneliness happens for a reason.  God 

wants us to be happy we just have to believed that in his own time we will 

understand and think Him for giving us a chance to find love even it meant 


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