Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

D' joe mango quotes

this is D'joe mango quotes

1. Always remember that when we lose someone we love, there will be pain in our hearts. But when there is pain, there will be strength and courage, and with that, there will always be the hope of finding someone who will love us and someone we can love even more.

2. Sometimes we just have to control our feelings for someone. Truth is, our feelings doesn’t know what’s right or wrong. That’s why our minds reason with us so there can be balance. Otherwise, we would always trip as we aimlessly follow what our hearts dictate.

3. A relationship will always need trust and faith. Trust, so you could keep a relationship strong, and faith, so you can build a strong foundation of love that could weather all storms to make it last for as long as you wish to.

4. A relationship is a two way street. It’s never all your fault, nor is it all the fault of your partner. Both of you have to work together to make it work. And, remember, the best relationship is one in which your LOVE exceeds your NEEDS for reach other.

5. Letting go of someone you love is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn’t even feel the same is much harder. Remember that giving up doesn’t mean you are weak. It only means that you are strong eonugh to let go of something that was never really yours in the first place.

6. Live not on what your heart dictates but on what is right and sensible. There is still time to turn away from what is wrong. Remember, the true joy of living is not only in loving ourselves but in loving without hurting other people.

7. Even with all the pain that comes with loving, we should never let our hearts wallow in anger. When love comes into our lives, be thankful. But when it leaves us, even if it’s against our will, we should only be sorry or a while. There should be no room for our hatred to grow in our hearts.

8. As it has always been said, we should embrace love when it comes knocking on our doors and willingly let go of it when it says goodbye. We shouldn’t regret that we’ve lost it. Be thankful that for once in our lives it has dwelled in our hearts and made us happy.

9. If we pass on love today, there may never be a next day to show it and even if there’s still a next day, there may never be someone to show it to. Love is never afraid. It should not hold you from showing someone how you feel. If it does, then it is not love.

10. Loving someone with all our hearts isn’t all that it takes to make a relationship last. Sometimes, even if we prove our worth in many ways, seen and unseen, we still cannot guarantee of permanence and loyalty in our relationships

What is LOVE all about? is it all about being with the perosn who makes us happy? 

or is it being happy for the one we love? There comes a time in our life when 

we feel lost because our hearts cry for someone other than the one we are with. 

We are confused because we realized that there is someone else who could 

makes us happier, we want to be with that person but we already belong to 

another.  How can a love so true be wrong? why do we have to meet the right 

person at a time when we are already committed to someone else.  It takes a 

lot of faith to understand why God allows someone else to come in our life and 

turn our world arround.  We are left with simple yet difficult choices, to stay or 

to follow our heart.  When we stay we become misserable because our heart 

yearns for the other person but if we follow our heart we can only find 

happiness at the expense of someone elses missery and that cannot make us 

truely happy.  Let us always remember that sometimes the only way to proved 

our love for a person is to let her go.  Sometimes, the only way to be at peace 

with our self is to teach our heart to say goodbye.  The true essence of love is 

in being happy for others even if it means we are not going to be part of that 

happiness, because true love gives without asking for anything in return.  Love 

always believes and it is in loves faith that we are able to live each day with 

hope that know matter how difficult life may be, God will always gives us the 

strenght to surpass it.  No matter how sad and misserable we are, there still a 

reason to be happy because God will always have a better plan for us.  He puts 

as to detest not to make us bitter but better person.  There is always a time for 

everything.  Moments of sorrow and loneliness happens for a reason.  God 

wants us to be happy we just have to believed that in his own time we will 

understand and think Him for giving us a chance to find love even it meant 


Selasa, 12 November 2013

my portfolio @STEP academy of photography

modeling outdoor candid photosession
                                        modeling studo lighting ( not me who taken this pic , but i edited )

creative lighting for restaurant and bar

product photosession

my narcism :))

studio lighting with flash and editing :D

Moved to malaysia (:

haiiiii .
udah lama banged nga ngepost . terakhir tentang resign dari kampus tercinta . dan berita hari ini . aku udah balik study lagi . tapi di malaysia . aku study di STICollege malaysia . small college but i have a exellent lecturer and friends every saturday and sunday (:
awalnya merasa snediri . homesick banged di sni . nga ada siapa" kan ya . karena aku sekolah di sini private kursus photography , jadi cuman sendirian di kelas .
cuman akhir"nya kau tau aku harus adaptasi . dan ya . ak bisa sendiri (: percaya la Tuhan nga akan kasih cobaan yang melewati batasnya .
di sini aku ada teman" kursus yang udah lumayan dekat ama aku (: dan 2 dosen yang bener" care of me :D
so glad have them at here . before today i have someone to share and accompany me at here .
but , im wrong , im falling in him . i like him , but , i know i ever do wrong thing . i already know he has a gf .
and many gf actually . i got hurt . also im crying and down . i dont have anyone to share again .
ya , i just must forget him . i must look on my future . not my past . although that very difficult to do .
ya , two days ago, i go to sunway to meet my bestfriends from junior high school . so glad meet her , i didnt feel lonely anymore . and she introduce her friends to me , her friends all make a good impression  i feel like not alone anymore . but we cant meet everyday :( back to reality i lived alone at here .

:) after this i will show you the pic that i taken when im course :DD hahha :D see you :*

Senin, 29 Juli 2013

tugas terakhir selama ngampus :)

tugas terakhir yang saya buat adalah tugas cover poster film . 
ini adalah foto asli dari cover film yang saya ambil . 
poster film jepang yang berjudul departures . 
nilai yag saya dapat 98 :) thanks buat model , teman yang membantu dan dosen ( mr. wildan ) :)

 parody before editing
 parody after editing ( kasar )
 parody after editing :)
before editing
 after editing
modeling : gina samantha ( PR'11 ) 
photographer : fitri Lim ( vcd'12)

Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

long time not see :)

Udah lama gag ngisi blog serasa hampa banged ya ..
Sekarang banyak yang berbeda dari saya ..
Saya sekarang terkena sakit epilepsi / ayan karena benturan yang dulu pernah saya alami *jadi terasa kenapa gue lasak banged dulu* .sekarang udah 5 bulan jalani pengobatan 1 setengah tahun lgi bru bisa sembuh , itu pun Tidak total :( jadi hati hati kalo bermain dengan kepala udah berbahaya ..
Sekarang saya udah nga kuliah lagi .. saya berhenti dari perkuliahan .. setelah sembuh mungkin aku baru biaa kejar cita cita aku jadi photographer hebat dengan kursus sana sni *minta doanya aja ya * .
Kemungkinan besar maunya kursus di darwis triadi , atau nga kelas pagi jkt /yogja .
Jidup percintaan gue --' , nga ada yang mulus , kya jalan berkerikil gitu :|
Kalo bisa aku mau luapain dya :| yanga ampe sekarang aku ga bsa lupain :(
Yda lah ya , kata orng move on , itu yang gue butuhin ..

Selasa, 11 Desember 2012


aduh , aku pernah cerita kan ak jadi penonton stand up comedy .
ni videonya , jangan ketawa ya kalo aku ketawanya ngakak banged :D hahaha

Jumat, 07 Desember 2012


cikarang akhir akhir ini hujan , kalo nga mati lampu :|
bete kan kalo hujan gitu .. cuman aku ama temen temen ku yg ga bete deh kaya nya , seneng banged kalo ujan *yangpentinggaglaginyuciaja* ..
kemarin ujan di cikarang , ujan , mati  lampu pula :| lengkap semua telah :P telah lengkap semua *ups*
spontan nya aku ngajak yang lain buat foto di tengah hujan :))
ini hasilnya :)





YELNY AND ATY ( actually this pic fail :( but , this one the best overall ) :DD


kita di undang dari metro tv untuk jadi penonton dari stand up comedy .
pada tau kan stand up comedy itu apa ? stand up comedy itu acara dari metro tv yang berupa hiburan lawakan :DD
kenapa di kasih nama stand up comedy , mungkin karena para comics nya pada berdiri kali ya . kalo duduk kan ga lucu , sit down comedy :||
hahaha :DD

ini hasil foto-fotonya :D karena eike tak bawa kamera , jadi kebyakan foto di take ama YELNY SUSANTI , my bestie ;;)

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Thesis Statement assignment :(

ini hasil kerja keras dari seorang anak DKV yang mempunyai tugas ESSAY :((

Description: http://informasibeasiswas1.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/president-university-277x300.png

President University
Visual Communication Design

Sex is a natural instinct that is owned by any sentient life in this world. Not only humans who have sex instincts, but also including animals and plants. Sex is required to maintain the viability of a species or a group of living beings. The main purpose of having sex is for reproduction for purposes of regeneration which means every living being have sex to obtain offspring in order to maintain and preserve his lineage.
Sex activities for Indonesia should only be done when there is already a legitimate relationship bonds between men and women, it's called married. Sex performed outside of marriage is a violation of the norms of the norm, be it religious norms or norms applicable norms.
We often hear stories of friends or friends from the news about human behavior in Indonesia this era, which often have sex outside of marriage or commonly called free sex. Sex is sex wild performed illegally in the sense already misappropriated in Indonesia’s norms.
Free sex is a cultural influence that comes from the West and in the adoption of the Indonesian people without filters it first. Sex revolution that occurred in the United States and Europe in the late 1960s, already almost coming into our beloved country is through the medium of information technology and other entertainment means that increasingly sophisticated. Now to get the video, pictures, stories and stories about sex and other pornography is very easy. Live in the search on the internet and visit the sites that provide the adult services in addition to those of the adult services are not just for people aged 21 and above, but children under one are able to access it. In addition to that adult films are also already on sale by traders tapes and video freely. So easy it is to get access to things that smelled of pornography results in ever increasing numbers free sex behavior within the community.
There are several factors that make teens involved in Indonesia will be free sex;
The first factor is derived from a parent, because of lack of guidance and supervision from parents to make her go wild, parents who believe too much be his son without knowing the activity performed by the children of his son out there is the wrong actions and prove fatal for his own son, sometimes also the children already know that her parents gave her the freedom to behave in the way of his. but there are also parents who plunges his own son, an example: suppose the parents feel embarrassed if his already Senior High School or teenagers do not have couple, parents will ask it to his son or daughter, and eventually the son or daughter was looking for a couple, initially perhaps, go to the bookstore or to a cafe, then slowly handrails and does not cover the possibility for doing more than that, including free sex. Parents who are too authoritarian is also not good for the development of the psychology of the child, when he got his freedom, he/she would forget everything.
The second factor is the environment or friends; the environment is very influential with our lives. as strong as any of us defend ourselves if the environment and friends not supporting us to do something right that tantamount to plunges herself into the wrong things, and when that is done the person closest to us is not true does not cover the possibility we will be affected for entry into a world that is not either. For example: such as smoking or drug addicts who originally joined with friends and just crank and finally could not get out again from a world that is not good. So too with free sex that does not close the possibility of seeing from the environment, including nearby and committing to do so.
The third factor is money, in this era money is everything, because money becomes a benchmark between self-esteem and honour. Thus the person who needs not met in search of extra income in ways that are not true or sell herself to someone more capable just to do free sex. For example: ladies night at the club who are willing to accompany an adult man to karaoke, dancing or doing free sex.
The fourth Factor is people who have a weak faith. Someone who does not have faith in his heart is definitely not going to put up with the worldly temptation indeed heavy, the slightest temptation it let alone the lure weight. For example: a person who does not believe will be sin that will be receipt what when doing free sex definitely don't mind to do free sex.
The fifth Factor is addicted in doing free sex. Sex just as people was eating. It is an absolute necessity everyone. But what if you can't be in control with good it can cause problems, once surely will want to try again and again, just as smokers who are addicted. For example: someone has been doing free sex once, do not close the possibility to repeat the same thing with the same person or different people.
As mentioned above. written above is a contributing factor of occurrence of free sex.
As we know free sex not be a good thing to do. free sex be bad for life, this is the bad effects impact happens if doing free sex, there are :
The first impact came from the danger of going to physical, physical danger that can occur is exposed to the advent of gender (sexual transmitted disease/PMS) and HIV/AIDS as well as the dangers of unwanted early pregnancies.
An PMS is a disease that can be transmitted from person to person through sexual contact. Someone at high risk are exposed to an PMS when having sexual intercourse with alternating pairs well through the vagina, oral or anal. If not treated properly, this disease can be serious for reproductive health, such as the occurrence of infertility, blindness in newborns and even death. Venereal disease that can occur is gonorrhea (Gonorrhoe), King Lion (Syphilis), herpes genitalis, limfogranuloma venereum (LGV), candidiasis, Trichomonas vaginalis, genital warts and so on.

AIDS stands for Aquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. This disease is a collection of symptoms of the disease as a result of the decline of the immune system. The cause is the HIV virus. Own HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. AIDS is a disease that is one of the ways of transmission is through sexual intercourse. In addition, HIV can be transmitted through the use of syringes used HIV-infected people.In Indonesia most HIV/AIDS transmission much through unsafe sexual contact as well as syringes (for drug addicts). After the HIV virus infection occurred, initially did not show specific symptoms. Just a few weeks after it infected people often suffer from minor illnesses like the flu or diarrhea everyday.In the period 3-4 years later sufferers showed no symptoms characteristic or called as a period without symptoms, at the moment sufferers feel well and out also seem well. Afterwards, year to 5 or 6 see emerging diarrhœa recurring, weight loss of a sudden, often thrush dimulut, and occurring swelling in lymph glands and eventually get occurring a great variety of infectious diseases, cancer and even death. To detect the presence of antibodies to the virus hiv, denoting the hiv virus in body, done a blood test by means of elisha as much as twice. Then if the result is positive, investigation is further by way of western blot or immunofluoresensi.

The readiness of a woman to get pregnant and give birth or have children is determined by the readiness there are : physical preparedness, readiness of the mental/emotional/psychological and social/economic readiness. In General, a woman said to be physically ready if have completed her growth (when her body stop growing), which is around the age of 20 years. Until the age of 20 can be used as guidelines for the physical readiness. Pregnancy at a very early age and undesirable will lead to the occurrence of the risks of pregnancy and childbirth as well as fetal risks.
The second impact is the danger of behavior and psychological abuse, Sex will lead to occurrence of diseases of the sexual disorders of desire to always have sex. The sufferer is always occupied his time with various sexual fantasies-fantasy, Kiss, embrace, hugs, and a shadow-a shadow form of the female body outside and inside. The sufferer being a Slacker, it's hard to concentrate, often forgotten, listlessness, ngelamun, the body so thin and psychological abuse become unstable. That is on his/her mind  only sex and sex as well as the desire to vent his sexual lust. As a result when you got no friends for sex free, he will go to prostitution and be a rapist. More ironic again when he could not find adults as its victims, he does not hesitate rapes of children under even the grandmother who has an excuse.
The third is the impact of the social danger, Sex will also cause someone is no longer thought to found a family, have children, let alone take up a responsibility. They just want to live above all liberties. Worse yet a woman doing sex free will eventually fall into the Valley of prostitution. A child who already exists as a result from free sex not getting love from his father and his mother's caresses the softness. He will not get enough attention and education. After he knew that he was born as a result of adultery, then his or her psychiatric will become stiff and eliminated in the Association and social community, often even he will be involved in the problem of criminality. Even more ironic is often the father of a child born as a result of free sex is not clear anymore who his father was. Free sex will also cause a mess of his family and his unbroken string gathering and kinship. Parents usually won't matter anymore in a child who has this far astray, otherwise a teenager who feels not care about again by parents will be more desperate, disobedience and wayward again in the elderly. He will also be involved in a confrontation with other relatives. It is in the end can lead to a sense of frustration , disappointment and resentment is not the end of the family member.
That’s the impact of the impact that could happen on a sex offender (free sex).

The conclusion of my essay : free sex is sex in violation of the norms  prevailing in Indonesia. free sex occurs on a number of factors, namely: the factors of parents, friends or immediate environment, money, a weak faith and was hooked. and when doing free sex there is some harm that can occur if doing free sex include: disease venereal disease (PMS, AIDS/HIV, unpreparedness women under to get pregnant), the dangers of psychiatric and behavior, and social hazards. There are some efforts to prevent the occurrence of free sex ,there are: the parents require more in keeping his children who grow up and give new insight into sex and consequences if doing free sex. Free sex can also prevent in through the desire itself, so teens need to be more thought before doing it at least teenagers should further enhance the faith. The Government also was instrumental in efforts to cope with free sex among teenagers, such as conducting outreach in schools and make the law specifically for young children who commit offences, so that the child will be more thought before doing sex free.


Rabu, 14 November 2012

memotivasi diri sendiri :)

butuh motivasi ? butuh orang yang bisa memotivasi kamu ? kirim sms ke XXXXXXX . hahahaha .. hanya bercanda*

sebenarnya motivasi itu muncul dari diri sendiri . aku bisa bilang motivasi berasal dari diri sendiri karena aku melihat temen ku , yang memotivasi dirinya dengan menulis kata- kata di post it! di dinding kamar dorm nya seperti mau kurus , mau  nabung , harus bisa , nilai GPA harus tinggi . itu salahs atu cara  untuk memotivasi diri sendiri , dengan bergitu niat , keinginan , kemauan ( yag sebenernya sama aja ) :) di tambah dengan motivasi dari diri sendiri buat maju m itu bakal lebi ampuh ketimbang harus beli buu motivasi yang bisa di jadiin bantal tidur . dan menurut aku itu efisien  banged loh . setiap saat kita di ingat kan ama kata" yang kita tulis di dinding kamar itu , pasti akan membuat kita termotivasi untuk melakukan hal yang seharusnya kita lakukan , dan hal yang nga harus kita lakukan :) aku bangga ama temen temen aku yang memotivasi diri nya sendiri . aku berharap siapa pun yang baca ini bisa memotivasi dirinya sendiri untuk melakukan yang terbaik ya :)

try it guys :)